Tips for Fun and Safe Tobogganing

Tobogganing is a great sport for all the family. We have put together a few tips on how to stay safe and have fun on Tirol's toboggan runs, in particular busy ones and those with steep sections.

How do I slow down? How do I steer in the corners? Tobogganing is a sport that is great for families with children, but it does require a few basic skills. The Regional Government of Tirol, which inspects and approves the region's toboggan runs, has come up with some tips for tobogganing enthusiasts. They range from important safety equipment such as wearing a crash helmet and sturdy footwear to controlling your speed and using a headlamp tobogganing at night.

How do I slow down? How do I steer in the corners? Tobogganing is a sport that is great for families with children, but it does require a few basic…

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Sledding safety tips: Follow these simple tobogganing rules for safe fun in the snow

There are a few important rules you need to know in order to enjoy a safe and fun tobogganing experience. Scroll down to read all the recommendations of the "Österreichisches Kuratorium für Alpine Sicherheit", a national authority aimed at helping locals and visitors to Austria stay safe out and about in the mountains.

Watch out and take careUse proper equipmentControl speed and keep distanceWalk on the sideFollow directionsDon't toboggan on ski slopesDon't go head firstNo drugs or alcohol on toboggansStep asideProvide assistance

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Classification of Toboggan Runs

The "Tirol Toboggan Run Seal of Approval" is awarded by the Regional Government of Tirol to toboggan runs that meet its strict criteria. It includes a classification of the run's difficulty level, though this does not necessarily reflect how dangerous the run is. For more details click here (German only).

Easy (Blue) Toboggan Runs

Tobogganers need no previous tobogganing experience to safely negotiate easy (blue) toboggan runs.

Suitable for: beginners

Characteristics: easy • suitable for families • wide • gentle gradient • slow speeds • long, flat braking areas before corners • few or no off-camber sections • wide, open corners • easy to see what is coming up ahead • relatively short • no artificial icing

Intermediate (Red) Toboggan Runs

Tobogganers require knowledge of basic braking and steering techniques in order to safely negotiate intermediate (red) toboggan runs.

Suitable for: amateur tobogganers

Characteristics: long, steep and challenging sections; short braking distance in places; some off-camber sections; relatively tight corners; overall length is not short but not extremely long; no artificial icing

Difficult (Black) Toboggan Runs

Tobogganers require advanced braking and steering skills to safely negotiate difficult (black) toboggan runs. Low-profile toboggans with angled runners are most suitable on these kinds of runs.

Suitable for: experienced amateur tobogganers

Characteristics: very challenging/difficult; short, sometimes steep, braking areas; challenging combinations of corners; many off-camber sections; tight corners; high speeds in places; not always easy to see what is coming up ahead; no artificial icing

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