If it's not absolutely necessary, avoid leaving marked hiking trails and keep a safe distance (20-50 meters) from grazing animals. Do not scare the animals, avoid direct eye contact, and do not pet or feed calves. Such actions can irritate the animals and make them feel threatened by following hikers. If you pass an agitated herd, make sure to keep a safe distance and consider taking a detour.
Always keep your dog under control and on a short leash. Dogs resemble potential predators, especially to young animals, and are therefore often attacked by mother animals. If an attack by livestock is imminent, immediately release your dog from the leash! If livestock block the path, bypass them with as much distance as possible!
For cattle herds, there are different categories to be aware of:
- Mother cow herd: Special caution is required with mother cows and their calves. Mother cows, as well as bulls, will defend their calves due to their natural protective instincts.
- Young animal herd: Younger animals tend to be exuberant and curious. This can lead to sudden, unpredictable movements.
- Cow herd: These are cows that are regularly milked and are accustomed to close contact with humans. However, they should not be underestimated.