Das Schwimmen mit Hund ist in Tirols Seen teilweise erlaubt. An einigen Seen gibt es extra angelegte Liegewiesen für Zwei- und Vierbeiner. Hinweistafeln beachten.
Special area for dogs and owners in a beautiful location on the shores of Lake Achensee. Easy access to the water for dogs thanks to special steps down.
The area around the Brandenberger Ache is a haven for hiking and swimming. It is home to two different gorges: the Tiefenbachklamm and the Kaiserklamm.
The Walchsee is not only one of the warmest lakes in Tirol. On its eastern shore there is also a special beach area for dogs and their owners.
This natural moorland lake is an oasis for dogs and their owners. There is even a separate area for dogs where they can enter the water.
Tirol’s second-largest lake, with an average summer temperature of 17 to 21° C, lies within the Reutte Nature Park Region and is a great place to cool off. Special areas are available for dogs and their owners.
The Urisee is a natural lake where dogs and their owners are welcome to swim (except in the official visitors’ swimming area).
Ready to take the plunge? The Pillersee lake in St. Ulrich am Pillersee is relatively cold at 18°C but all the more refreshing for dogs and their owners on hot days. Please be aware that dogs are not allowed in the official visitors’ swimming area.
The Riffelseebahn cable car gives dogs and their owners quick and easy access to what is Austria’s highest mountain lake at 2,232 metres above sea level. Once up at the top there are several easy and intermediate walking trails to explore before it is time to hop into the very refreshing lake.
This natural swimming lake has a sunbathing area and reaches temperatures of around 24°C in summer.
Dogs and their owners are welcome at the Haldensee lake. The lake may not be advertised as a swimming lake, but as long as everyone behaves reasonably and gets along there is no reason why your dog can’t join you in the water.
This natural swimming lake is a good place to cool off on hot summer days, for both you and your four-legged friend.
Clean mountain water and a maximim temperature of 21°C. Dogs are welcome at the Stausee and the view of the Zillertal Alps is amazing.
Swimming with dogs is possible at the Wildsee wherever it is possible to go down into the water. The Wildmoossee and Lottensee – both of which are aperiodic, meaning they appear and disappear at regular intervals – are also great spots to chill out on a hot summer’s day.