
Lady's slipper blossom in the Lech Valley - the largest occurrence in Europe

When you think of orchids, you usually think of the specimens you get in the supermarket or tropical countries. Of course, experienced botanists know that there are countless species in the Alps and that the largest occurrences can be admired in the Tyrolean Lech Valley.
Mehrere gelb-rote Frauenschuhblüten im Wald, ähnlich wie Orchideen

15 years - that's how long it can take for the seed of the lady's slipper orchid (lat. Cypripedium) to develop into a flowering plant. The orchid places high demands on the soil in which it grows: it must be semi-shady and calcareous, and in order for the seedling to germinate, it needs a little help from mychorrhizal fungi - fungi that live in the soil and supply the seed with nutrients. Considering that the plants are very sensitive to changes, such as soil compaction, and can take up to five years to recover if the stem is damaged, it is not surprising that their population has fallen sharply - even though each flower produces up to 40,000 seeds a year! The lady's slipper is therefore strictly protected and is guarded by volunteers in many places - anyone who picks or even digs up the plants can expect severe penalties.

Einzelne Frauenschuhpflanze mit grünen Blättern und rot-gelber Blüte

The lady's slipper in Tyrol

Larger populations of lady's slipper can be found in Tyrol, particularly in the Karwendel Nature Park, in the Valsertal Natura2000 area and in the Vilsalpsee nature reserve (Tyrolean Tannheimer Valley). However, the largest occurrence can be found in the Natura2000 area of the Tiroler Lech Nature Park, where a true lady's slipper meadow has been preserved. Several thousand plants bloom in the Martinauer Au near Vorderhornbach between mid-May and mid-June in an area covering 2.5 hectares! A natural spectacle in a class of its own that not only delights the eyes, but also the visitors' sense of smell with its apricot-like scent.

Mehrere blühende Frauenschuhpflanzen nah beieinander

Lady's slipper area Martinauer Au

In order to protect the rare plants, a network of paths has been created in the Martinauer Au near Vorderhornbach and Elmen, from which those interested can admire and photograph the alpine orchids. There are a total of three routes to choose from, some of which are also barrier-free. Information boards along the paths provide valuable information about the lady's slipper and from the seating areas you can take in the splendour at your leisure.

Anzeigetafel mit Informationen über das Frauenschuhgebiet Martinau im Naturpark Tiroler lEch

The Martinauer Au lady's slipper area

Arrival: by bus to the bus stop "Vorderhornbach GH Kreuz", from there follow the signs or by car to the "Frauenschuhgebiet" car park

Trails: red (460m), blue (170m), yellow (180m) with several connecting and side trails

  • Naturpark Tiroler Lech

    The Lech is one of the last wild rivers in Central Europe and dominates the landscape of the nature park. Covering a total area of around 40 square kilometres, the nature park offers insights into the different habitats and forms of vegetation.


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