Recipe Apfelradln: the original recipe to recreate

Preparation 15 min
Effort: low
4 portions

Before the ripe apples roll down the hill in autumn, they are cut into slices and wrapped in batter. Top with a little sugar and cinnamon and you have the perfect snack for those with a sweet tooth.



  • 120 g Flour
  • 2 Piece Eggs
  • Salt
  • 1/8 l Milk
  • 1 EL Rum (optional)
  • 1 EL Sugar
  • 4 Piece Apples
  • Clarified butter or vegetable fat
  • Sugar and cinnamon for sprinkling


Prepare the dough

For the batter, mix the flour, eggs, milk and sugar in a bowl until smooth.

Add a pinch of salt. If you like, add a dash of rum to the batter so that it absorbs less fat when baking.

Prepare apples

Peel the apples. Depending on the size, you will need 3 to 4 apples for 4 portions. Cut the apples into slices about 2 cm thick.

Remove the apple cores using a biscuit or apple corer.

Bake apple wheels

  • Heat the clarified butter.
  • Pull the apple slices through the batter with a fork and place in the hot fat.
  • As soon as the bottom side is golden brown, turn the apple slices over and finish baking.
  • Arrange on a plate and sprinkle with icing sugar or cinnamon sugar.


If you want to make your own cinnamon sugar without any other additives, mix 10 tablespoons of white sugar with one tablespoon of ground cinnamon.


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