Floating from castle to castle
- PlaceReutte
Of course, we're not afraid of heights, but we do enjoy a bit of a thrill. When it's over 100 meters below your feet, it's guaranteed, so always look up and don't wobble.
Floating from castle to castle
Of course, we're not afraid of heights, but we do enjoy a bit of a thrill. When it's over 100 meters below your feet, it's guaranteed, so always look up and don't wobble.
The highest coffee enjoyment in Austria
The Gletscherexpress and the Wildspitzbahn cable car take you to the top in 20 minutes and then you can start to marvel - at the café itself, the view of the glaciers and peaks all around and, of course, the sensational breakfast.
Prehistoric outlook
The Waidringer Steinplatte is all about the dinosaurs that once lived here, especially in summer. We don't know whether they had such a great view. But it's a fact that you shouldn't miss the short hike to the fan coral platform.
A visit to the eyrie
You don't have to go to Rio de Janeiro: the Gschöllkopf in the Rofan mountains is in no way inferior to the Sugarloaf Mountain. This is due to its shape - and especially the view from the Adlerhorst.
Tyrol from the very top
Voted one of the TOP 10 viewing platforms in the world by GEO magazine ... nothing more needs to be said, except perhaps: enjoy the view!
At the Paradeaussichtsberg
Simply above it all ... towers the Zugspitze. You can experience this majesty. A 10-minute gondola ride is all it takes.
Actually accessible
Actually, they say you go to a summit cross. But here you go to the summit cross and marvel at its size, the exhibitions and, of course, the view.
3 in one go
Triple features are not only available in the movies. In Sölden, the BIG3 gives you the chance to enjoy the stunning view of the Ötztal Alps three times over. James Bond has also been a guest.
Up to the stars
With us, you don't travel to the stars by spaceship, but by cable car. It takes you to the Top Mountain Star, which offers exclusive views and delicious food.
In two places at the same time
The view of the Kaunertal Glacier is fascinating, but from the Dreiländerblick you can see much further. To three countries, to be precise, while you are in two places at the same time.
At the border
Built in 1955, the platform on the Vallugaspitze is a real classic among viewing points. We are already looking forward to the ascent with the three cable cars, which all use different technology - it will be an adventure with far-reaching views.
If I were a little bird
Peace, sun, views - it's not just birds of prey that feel at home at the Adlerhorst. And after the view of the majestic mountains, it's time to relax on the sun terrace - in fine deckchairs, of course.
Where the heck...?
You suddenly feel very small - surrounded by the lofty peaks with a view of the valley and a bronze bird with a wingspan of 3 meters at the top. Perhaps this was precisely the idea of the artist Walter File.
In eternal winter
Where the snow never melts, we Tyroleans always like it. Up there, you can not only see it all year round, but also feel it. Incidentally, this also applies to the ice in the adjacent natural ice palace.
A magical place
When the eagle flies, it can hardly have a better view of the picturesque Kaunertal than we have from this viewing platform. Here you can see and feel the magic of the mountains.
Die Aussicht ist in Tirol natürlich von jedem Berg aus schön. Bequemer zur Fernsicht als mit einer Gipfelwanderung geht es natürlich per Aufstiegshilfe zu einer der vielen Aussichtsplattformen. An gut ausgewählten Punkten platziert, sind sie oft ganz einfach mit der Gondelbahn zu erreichen. Das geht mit wenig Anstrengung und ist auch für Kinder ein tolles Abenteuer. Oft bieten sich in nächster Nähe weitere Attraktionen wie Museen, Rundwanderwege oder Restaurants, die Aussichtsplattformen zu einem tollen Ausflugsziel machen. Die schönsten Aussichtsplattformen in Tirol finden Sie hier.
Aus einem “langweiligen” Wandertag lässt sich schnell ein schönes Abenteuer machen, wenn man ein besonderes Ziel hat. Gut eigenen sich die vielen schönen Aussichtsplattformen in Tirol. Oft einfach mit einer Gondelbahn zu erreichen, bieten sie auch für Kinder ein tolles Erlebnis, wenn man fast freischwebend auf die beeindruckende Bergwelt blickt, gibt es dann noch ein Fernrohr oder eine wackelige Hängebrücke, sind Spaß und Begeisterung garantiert. Die besten Aussichtsplattformen haben wir hier für Sie zusammengestellt.
Der Blick auf die Tiroler Bergwelt ist immer wunderschön. Von den vielen Aussichtsplattformen wird er aber spektakulär. Weit oben, fast freischwebend und oft in spannender Architektur bringen sie einem die Berge als ganze besonderes Erlebnis nah. Oft einfach mit einer Gondelbahn und barrierefrei zu erreichen, sind sie ein super Ausflugsziel auch für Kinder. Die besten Aussichtsplattformen in Tirol finden Sie hier.