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Jagdhausalmen Alpine Pastures, Defereggen, East Tirol, Austria, Europe

The Ways of Water: Healing Wells and Springs in Tirol

Updated on 22.02.2021 in Recommendations

Thermalwasser Aqua Dome (C)Aqua Dome

Tirol is a land of spectacular mountain and canyon scenery. White water is pounding its way down the heart of the mountains, rushing as fast as it can go, having no mercy on anything it might take down the mountain with it. The streams and torrents tumble down from the mountains, rushing through forests to plunge over cliff edges in showers of spray, cascading down into crystal clear pools with a roar, into deeply incised canyons and gorges and – finally – making their way into rivers and lakes.

Tirol’s diverse metamorphic and geological history results in the formation of abundant natural springs—there are more than 10,000 underground sources where pure and great tasting water springs. In Tirol, all tap water comes from the natural and ever-gushing wells from the mountains. It’s delicious!

People have been celebrating the healing properties of mineral-rich healing wells and springs in Tirol for ages. For centuries, people have bathed and soaked in mineral waters, relishing their healing properties and their therapeutic effects. Here are a few of Tirol’s healing springs with heritage.

Sauerbrunn Well in Obladis

Locals have been believing in the healing qualities of the mineral water that bubbles out from a source in Obladis since 1212. A goatherd named Nikolaus Schederle recognized that his goats preferably drank water from this particular source. When he tasted the water himself, he noticed that this specific water was effervescent, great tasting, refreshing and vigorous. He felt invigorated, he said – and all because of the water. The news spread, and soon thousands of people coming from Tirol, Bavaria, South Tyrol and Switzerland, from farmers to rulers, flocked there to relish its healing powers. They all took the then arduous journey to Sauerbrunn Well in Ober-Ladis, situated at an elevation of 1,386 meters, to drink the miraculous water.

All the pure naturally effervescent spring water you can drink is available for free from the Sauerbrunn well. In addition, the certified healing mineral water is bottled at source by a family-operated company and delivered worldwide.

The Grins Well

Only 12 kilometers from Ladis, as the crow flies, lies the small mountain village of Grins. The mineral spring water of Grins, steeped in legend and lore, has been known for its strong healing and curative properties for centuries. As early as in 1372, Duke Leopold had the country’s main road built through Grins. Rich in magnesium and calcium, the waters that flow through this tiny village have been honoured for generations and continue to be respected.

In 2005, the place became a thermal mineral spring resort for the water’s curative effect. The naturally effervescent, healing mineral waters that bubble out from the source above the village are rich in magnesium, calcium and sulphate. A wonderful walking trail takes you there from the village. The fountain in front of the Grins Community Center offers up healthful mineral water that has its own distinct and refreshing flavour. Experience the soothing qualities taking the waters at Grins brings at the Alben Bath in Grins.

Längenfeld Hot Springs (Aqua Dome)

As far back as the 16th century, the area formerly known as the “Längenfelder Baths” was known for its healing hot springs. Doctors brought ailing patients to soak and heal in the springs from 1893 to the 1930ies, when operation was stopped. The spring ceased in the 1970ies. After a 70-year-closure, the springs were rediscovered and have been open to the public and more vibrant than ever since 2004, when the sprawling Aqua Dome Thermal Spa Resort was opened. The resort’s hot spring is fed with 40-degree Celsius natural hot springs water.

The naturally effervescent, mineral waters rich in sodium, chloride, sulphate and sulphur bubble from the ground and treat aggravated joints and dehydrated skin with all-natural, therapeutic minerals. The water is also known for its healing powers in the follow-up treatment of injuries.

The Maria Waldrast Well

Maria Waldrast, © Maria Waldrast © Maria Waldrast

Ice cold and crystal clear drinking water has been bubbling out from Marienbrunnen Well just left from Maria Waldrast Abbey for centuries. Not unusal, however, this is not just any water, it’s the famous radiant Waldrast healing water. The good effects of this specific healing water on humans has long been appreciated by locals and visitors alike. The unique specialties of the water were found out only decades ago: It is energising „right turning water“ which is very seldom and really amazing to drink, even after months it tastes just like fresh from the well. The water is said to have cleansing, regenerating, invigorating and harmonizing qualities.

The healing water keeps locals and visitors coming back time and time again. People come up to the well at Maria Waldrast, drink to the fullness of their thirst, then they fill bottles and buckets and take them home to drink and to wash their faces. There is even a doctor from London who regularly gets Waldrast water for his patients, says Father Peter and adds, “It is fine water indeed but by no means miraculous”. The Abbey has adopted a ’no-commercial exploitation‘ rule as a matter of principle, declaring that ‘This water is a gift to all living beings on earth and is available to all for free’.

Mehrn Mineral Spring

Situated at the gateway to Alpbachtal Valley, Mehrn has had a mineral spring for centuries. The first documentary evidence of the healing water, containing calcium, sulphate and magnesium, dates back to the 13th century. In the early 19th century, the spring disappeared but was rediscovered during excavation works in 1863. Many spectacular successful cures were reported in the years to come and its reputation as a fountain of health began to grow.

All the pure natural spring water you can drink is available for free from the well at Mehrn. Enjoy the evolution of this ancient tradition through natural mineral treatments at the Mehrn Mineral Healing Bath Health & Therapy Center: The Health & Therapy Center reinvents the classic curative „taking of the waters“ and Kneipp ablution treatments with aroma therapy, Ayurvedic and beauty treatments and massage therapies in a rejuvenating natural spa sanctuary.

Bad Häring Sulphur Spring

The sulphur spring of today’s Health Resort of Bad Häring was discovered by coincidence. Miners found the valuable aquafier while working underground. Soon, the former mining town evolved into a health resort with patients bathing and soaking in mineral sulphur waters, relishing their healing properties. Some 50 years ago, spa tourism in Bad Häring began to thrive.

The Health Resort of Bad Häring is a unique place in which to relax and take the waters with carbonated and sulphur baths. The naturally effervescent, mineral waters are rich in sulphur and are particularly favourable with rheumatism and aggravated joints and impart many beneficial effects on health in general. There are more than 50 different treatments and therapies on offer.

Aigner Badl

The pinnacle of rustic charm, Aigner Bath is a listed bathhouse in Abfaltersbach in East Tirol that has welcomed visitors, mostly local farmers, since 1772.

The naturally effervescent, mineral waters that bubble out from the sources here are rich in calcium and sulphate and are particularly favourable with rheumatism, gout and sciatica. Aigner Bath is a small intimate natural mineral spring resort where you can immerse yourself in romantic secluded larch wood tubs filled with mineral-rich waters. Lovingly restored, a beautiful, historic jewel of East Tirol has been brought back to life here and is definitely worth visiting.

Want to learn more on water in Tirol? See

Dazzling lights and beautiful cityscapes: Ines Mayerl loves the exciting, fast-paced big city life. But no matter how far she may travel, she always returns home to escape to the mountains, to discover stylish, new cafés in Innsbruck and to hit the slopes.

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