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Jagdhausalmen Alpine Pastures, Defereggen, East Tirol, Austria, Europe

Mountain Huts in Tirol Open in Early Summer

Updated on 27.05.2024 in Recommendations

The Olperer Hütte hut high above the Schlegeisspeicher reservoir.The Olperer Hütte hut high above the Schlegeisspeicher reservoir.

Tirol's huts are already hard at work preparing for the summer season 2023. We have put together a list of places which open in late spring or early summer to welcome walkers, hikers and mountain bikers. Scroll down to find out more.

Melting snow, grazing cows and blooming flowers are all sure signs here in Tirol that summer is finally on its way. Time to pack away the skis and get out those hiking boots ready to explore the region's mountains on foot. Can't wait to head for the heights? Then you will want to know which huts are open in late spring and early summer.

The best part of Tirol when it comes to early-opening huts is the Tirolean Unterland (the east of the region) and the area north of the Inn Valley, but you will also find some huts on the Main Tirolean Ridge which open up a little earlier than usual. There are even some places in Tirol where hut-to-hut hikes are possible in May and June. Scroll down for a full list of huts open in late spring and early summer. Hikers heading into the mountains should, however, be aware that there are plenty of patches of snow which have to be crossed or walked around, including on the approaches to some of the huts listed here. We recommend you call the hut in advance and ask what conditions are like on the trails. It is also worth double-checking that the hut really is open – sometimes adverse weather conditions and other circumstances force huts to delay their planned opening by several weeks. Last but not least it is always worth booking in advance if you are planning on staying the night.

Chiemgau Alps

Between Kössen and Waidring, in the north-eastern part of Tirol, there are three main mountains dominating the Chiemgau Alps – the Unterberghorn, the Steinpatte and, between the two, the Fellhorn. Just below the summit of the Fellhorn you will find the Straubinger Haus, a large hut surrounded by lush pastures and meadows. It can be reached on foot in 3.5 hours from the village of Erpfendorf and in 2 hours from the car park at Steinplatte. It can also be ridden to using a mountain bike from Kössen and Erpfendorf. Fit adventurers can pack their hiking boots into a rucksack and complete an early-season bike-and-hike by riding up to the hut and then hiking up to the summit of the Fellhorn.

Huts in the Chiemgau Alps open in early summer:

Kitzbühel Alps

There are several huts in the Kitzbühel Alps run by the Austrian Alpine Association which open from mid-May. The Wildseeloderhaus, a good base from which to visit the Wildsee lake and Wildseeloder mountain, is open from early June and can be used as part of a two-day adventure from Kitzbühel to Fieberbrunn. Less well-known but no less beautiful is the Hochwildalm run by the Naturfreunde at the foot of the Gebra, Bischof and Sonnspitze mountains – three peaks which are all relatively hard to climb. Last but not least there is also the Bochumer Hütte.

Huts in the Kitzbühel Alps open in early summer:

  • Bochumer Hütte 1,432 metres (1 May until 4 November 2024)
  • Oberlandhütte, 1,014 metres (open all year)
  • Wildseeloderhaus 1,854 metres (accommodation 7 June until 7 October 2024). The Fieberbrunn mountain lifts are closed in summer 2024 due to the construction of the new cable car. Ascent is possible on foot and partly by shuttle buses (for a fee on site) to the middle station during holiday periods.
  • Alpenrosenhütte 1,555 metres (24 May until late October 2024)
  • Hochwildalm 1,557 metres (1 June until 31 October 2024)
  • Neue Bamberger Hütte 1,756 metres (1 June until 15 October 2024)

The Wildseeloderhaus on the shores of the Wildsee lake.The Wildseeloderhaus on the shores of the Wildsee lake.

Kaiser Mountains

While the peaks of the Wilder Kaiser Mountains are still covered in snow, the more rolling slopes of the Zahmer Kaiser Mountains are already lush and ready to welcome hikers and bikers. Huts in this area which open early in the season include the Vorderkaiserfeldenhütte, the Anton-Karg-Haus, the Hans Berger Haus and the Stripsenjochhaus. The huts in the Wilder Kaiser Mountains are generally open by mid-May.

Huts in the Kaiser Mountains open in early summer:

The Gruttenhütte hut in the Wilder Kaiser Mountains., © Tirol Werbung/Jens SchwarzThe Gruttenhütte hut in the Wilder Kaiser Mountains. © Tirol Werbung/Jens Schwarz

Rofan Mountains & Brandenberg Alps

The craggy Rofan Mountains are also home to three huts operated by the Austrian Alpine Association which open early in the season. One of our top tips is a mountain bike ride up to the Bayreuther Hütte followed by a hike to the Zireiner See lake or an ascent of the Vorderer Sonnwendjoch. The Erfurter Hütte also represents an excellent starting point from which to explore the surrounding peaks. Or why not take a few days to explore the whole mountain chain on a hut-to-hut hike in the Rofan Mountains? Please call the huts before you set off to check what snow conditions are like on the high trails. The Gufferthütte is popular with mountain bikers and can also be used as a stop-off on the way to the Halslspitze summit.

Huts in the Rofan Mountains open in early summer:

  • Erfurter Hütte, 1,834 metres (Whitsun until mid-October 2024)
  • Gufferthütte, 1,475 metres (mid-May until mid-October 2024)
  • Bayreuther Hütte, 1,576 metres (Whitsun until mid-October 2024)
  • Buchacker Alm, 1,350 metres (mid-May until October 2024)

The Bayreuther Hütte in the Rofan Mountains.The Bayreuther Hütte in the Rofan Mountains.

Karwendel Mountains

The Karwendel Mountains are one of the most beautiful places in Tirol for an early-season adventure. Among craggy peaks and blooming meadows you will find a number of huts which throw their doors open in May and June to welcome hikers and mountain bikers. Many of the huts above the Inn Valley are open by late May – their south-facing exposure means the snow melts quicker here than on north-facing slopes.

Huts in the Karwendel Mountains open in early summer:

The chapel at the Magdeburger Hütte near the mighty Großer Solstein and Kleiner Solstein mountains., © Jannis BraunThe chapel at the Magdeburger Hütte near the mighty Großer Solstein and Kleiner Solstein mountains. © Jannis Braun

Tux & Zillertal Alps

The Tux and Zillertal Alps are also home to a number of early-starters in the mountains, including a number of huts above 2,000 metres such as the popular Olperer Hütte. May is still a little early for the Berlin High Trail, but those in search of alternative long-distance hut-to-hut hikes can try the Inn Valley High Trail featuring among others the Glungezerhütte, which opens on 18 June. Please check conditions on the trails you are planning to hike – many are above 2,500 metres, so you can expect to encounter snow well into June. The Weidener Hütte and the Lizumer Hütte as well as the Kellerjochhütte are all good places for a day trip. The Kellerjochhütte is one of the most beautiful vantage points above the Inn Valley. Close to Innsbruck there is the Patscherkofelhaus, which can be reached on foot, by bike or using the cable car. The Meißner Haus in the Tux Alps is also open early in the season.

Huts in the Tux and Zillertal Alps open in early summer:

The Kellerjochhütte hut enjoys an exposed location on the Kellerjoch mountain.The Kellerjochhütte hut enjoys an exposed location on the Kellerjoch mountain.

Wetterstein Mountains & Mieming Massif

The Coburger Hütte, a mountain refuge run by the German Alpine Club, enjoys a wonderful location between two of Tirol's most beautiful lakes, with views of the Zugspitze mountain on the Austrian-German border as well as fine panoramas of peaks along the Mieming Massif such as the Ehrwalder Sonnenspitze. The best way to get to the hut is by bike from Leutasch through the Gaistal Valley to the Seebensee lake and then on foot for the last 45 minutes up to the hut itself, which is located on the shore of the Drachensee lake. The easiest and quickest way to get to the hut, on the other hand, is by taking the Ehrwalder Alm Bahn cable car from Ehrwald and then waling the final section up to the hut. Definitely a top tip in early summer!

Huts in the Mieming Massif open in early summer:

The Coburger Hütte hut next to the Drachensee lake.The Coburger Hütte hut next to the Drachensee lake.

Tannheim Mountains

The Tannheim Mountains are an excellent place for early-season walking and hiking, for example a long weekend with friends or family. The region is home to three huts which open in mid-to-late-May. The Bad Kissinger Hütte is a good basecamp for climbing the Aggenstein mountain, while the Otto-Mayr-Hütte is popular with hikers and rock climbers keen to explore the Rote Flüh, Gimpel and Köllenspitze peaks. On the other side of the Tannheimer Tal Valley you will find the Three Lakes Circular Hike with the option of an overnight stay at the Landsberger Hütte.

Huts in the Tannheim Mountains open in early summer:

Lechtal Alps

Spring is still too early to complete the wonderful Lechtal High Trail since many of the trails are still covered in snow, but there are other places in the Lech Valley which are more accessible in May and June – for example the Muttekopfhütte, which opens this year on 29 May.

Huts in the Lechtal Alps open in early summer:

The Muttekopfhütte hut enjoys a stunning location.The Muttekopfhütte hut enjoys a stunning location.

Ötztal Alps

The Radurschltal Valley, a side valley hidden away in the Ötztal Alps, is a hidden gem far from the hustle and bustle of Tirol's most popular spots. It is also a good way to shorten the ascent on foot from the village of Pfunds to the Hohenzollernhaus, which otherwise takes around 4 hours but in this case can be reduced to 2 hours. The hut itself is excellent for families and a good starting point from which to explore several relatively easy 3,000m mountains.

Huts in the Ötztal Alps open in early summer:

East Tirol

The Hochsteinhütte hut high above Lienz, the largest town in East Tirol, is a good place for bikers and hikers keen to start the season early. As soon as the snow has melted, it can also be used as a base from which to climb the Böses Weible mountain. At the western end of the Carnic Alps Trail is the Sillianer Hütte, which opens in early June and lies at almost 2,500 metres above sea level offering fantastic views of the Lienz Dolomites and the Hohe Tauern Mountains.

Huts in East Tirol open in early summer:

As you can see, Tirol has plenty of huts open in May and June. Whichever one you choose, we wish you a fun and safe time in the mountains!

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“The mountains are calling and I must go.” This compelling quote says it all for outdoor lover Jannis Braun. His passion for hiking and mountain biking inspired him to move from Germany to Innsbruck. Finding pleasure in the mountains, Jannis continues to embrace the beauty and culture around him.

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