© Hotel Hochfilzer
© Hotel Hochfilzer

Accessible Accommodation

Specially approved hotels and guesthouses create perfect conditions so that wheelchair users, the visually impaired as well as the deaf and hard of hearing can enjoy their holiday in Tirol.

From the extra-wide parking spaces, visitors can access their accommodation smoothly and easily via ramps without having to negotiate steps or protruding door sills. All facilities are disabled-friendly. For example, wash basins are wheelchair accessible, carpets are designed to make it easy for wheelchair users to get around, and toilets are wheelchair friendly and easy to reach.

All accommodation is closely inspected, with  social medicine expert Harald Hörmann visiting each location and checking access points to the buildings and garden as well as shared rooms, bedrooms and bathroom areas. During the inspections he measures the width of doorways, the gradient of access ramps, the size of turning circles and the height of furniture as well as giving tips to the owners, many of whom have years of experience coping with the special requirements of disabled visitors and are happy to recommend hire shops for handbikes and the right ski school with trained instructors.

Accommodation designed for the blind and visually impaired as well as the deaf and hard of hearing must also fulfil certain quality criteria. These include visual communication of information, special flashing light signals for alarms, obstacle-free walkways and audible alarm systems.

From the extra-wide parking spaces, visitors can access their accommodation smoothly and easily via ramps without having to negotiate steps or…

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Disabled-Accessible Accommodation

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