© Tirol Werbung / Rodler Ilvy
Food & Drink
© Bert Heinzelmeier
© Tirol Werbung / Aichner Bernhard
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© Tirol Werbung / Moore Casey
© Tirol Werbung / Herbig Hans
© Tirol Werbung / Schwarz Jens
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© Tirol Werbung / Neusser Peter
Jagdhausalmen Alpine Pastures, Defereggen, East Tirol, Austria, Europe

Food & Drink

Updated on 13.05.2024 in Food & Drink from Eva
3 min reading time
This a very simple but tasty dish. Kasspatzln with melted cheese and fried onions are a typical Tyrolean meal and will certainly fill a hole if you’re hungry!
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Spinach dumplings
Updated on 15.04.2024 in Food & Drink from Julia
3 min reading time
There are these days. It happens to all of us. It’s time to make lunch and I just don’t know what to make. Honestly speaking, it happens to me quite often. Well, if I’m at a loss, these spinach dumplings are just the thing! They are easy to make and always a hit with my boys. They contain enough spinach so my kids and I can enjoy healthy nutrients. They taste positively decadent, without needing any high-price ingredients. And they are wonderful to freeze and eat later. Here is my recipe for cooking delicious spinach dumplings. Sometimes it helps to have a visual: Watch the video below where we will walk you through every step of how to make them. Enjoy!
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Cover the Stollen with melted clarified butter and finally add a thick layer of icing sugar.
Updated on 11.12.2023 in Food & Drink from Theresa
3 min reading time
Despite my best intentions every year, in the run-up to Christmas I always end up overindulging in sweet treats such as sugary "Vanillekipferl" biscuits and Christmas Stollen. But hey, let's be honest, I'm not the only one, right?Marian Moschen from the website Mann backt has shared with us his special recipe for traditional Christmas Stollen. I wish you lots of fun making it and a peaceful, enjoyable Christmas!
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Updated on 27.11.2023 in Food & Drink from Christina
5 min reading time
Outside the wind whistles and the rain pours, but inside the warm farmhouse kitchen it's nice and cosy. The scent of freshly baked cookies fills the air and reminds me of my childhood, when we would pinch the odd biscuit straight from the tray as soon as they came out of the oven. With Christmas just around the corner, I am looking forward to making my own cookies once again this year. Farmer and baking expert Karoline Schapfl kindly invited me into her kitchen in Lans to share some of her top tips.
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Weisses Rössl, © Anna Lang
Anna Lang
Updated on 02.10.2023 in Food & Drink from
10 min reading time
Innsbruck is a great place to eat out. I have put together a list of my favourite restaurants both in the city and in the surrounding area where visitors are sure to find something to their taste. I have personally tested every eatery on the list – it's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it! Let me know in the comments down below if you agree with my opinion. Bon appétit, or as we say here in Tirol: Mahlzeit!
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Updated on 02.10.2023 in Food & Drink from
8 min reading time
Few dishes conjur up such strong emotions in Tirol as dumplings. We asked four chefs to let us in on their recipes for this classic Tirolean dish. They were all kind enough to oblige – and also told us a bit about what makes "Knödel" so special to them.
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"I wouldn't drink three of them," says the creator of the ‘Kraut & Rüben’ Cocktail – but he is nevertheless happy that his experiment was a success.
Updated on 18.09.2023 in Food & Drink from
11 min reading time
Among Tirol's many unique distilled drinks, Krautinger schnapps is perhaps the most peculiar one. You either love it or hate it, they say. Most people hate it. But is it possible to create a drinkable summer cocktail from it anyway? We put our trusted bartenders to the challenge – and learned a lot about taste and flavour.
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Updated on 24.04.2023 in Food & Drink from Klaus
14 min reading time
From pale ale to the fearsomely strong "Bockbier", Tirol’s brewing landscape is diversifying. Small start-ups are appearing throughout the region, while larger and more established breweries are experimenting more than ever before. We put together a team of beer experts and set them the onerous task of selecting the top beers from Tirol. Cheers!
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Updated on 24.04.2023 in Food & Drink from Klaus
2 min reading time
Have you ever had “Tiroler Gröstl”? A local take on bubble and squeak, this bacon, meat, onion and potato fry-up is the kind of hearty fare that will set you right. Traditionally, it is a delicious and satisfying way of using up yesterday’s left-overs. It makes a great shared-from-the-pan mountain lunch. And it is quite easy to cook at home. Watch the video below where we will walk you through every step of how to make this delightful Tirol staple. Of course we’ve got you covered and share this fantastic recipe with you. Enjoy!
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The Berghof serves only lamb sourced from its own mountain farm., © Tirol Werbung / Ramon Haindl
Jürgen Schmücking
Updated on 27.03.2023 in Food & Drink from Jürgen Schmücking
5 min reading time
Bacon dumplings with a cold beer? Often it is the classic dishes that are still the best. We have compiled a list of ten traditional guesthouses in Tirol committed to local cuisine with an innovative idea or tantalising twist.
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